Welcome to The Virtual Mastermind
Six weeks to the next best version of you! 
(Starts July 27th, 2020)
Tired of feeling overwhelmed?
Done with self doubt?
Completely over being stuck?
Girl, we got you. 
Join us as you become the girl boss who accomplishes goals with authenticity, clarity, and ease!

Week 1:
Goal Digger

Week 2:

Week 3:

Week 4:
Believe It to 
See It

Week 5:

Week 6:
Fly Queen 

Week One:  Goal Digger 101
We will give you the tools to get crystal clear on your life values.  Are your values in alignment with your intrinsic (personal) and extrinsic (business) goals?  Gaining clarity and then discussing your why and the greater good behind these goals is what will set you up for success!

Week Two:  2020 Mind Sight
Having the right mindset is going to be key to accomplishing your goals.  This week we will focus on cultivating mental resiliency and increasing your self love.

Week Three:  Nourish You
By now you've become totally clear on your values (what's most important in your life right now) and what goal(s) you will be crushing over the next 6 weeks.  This week we will focus on the importance of nourishing yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually so that burnout, imbalance, and extreme stress doesn't stand a chance.  Your health is your true wealth!

Week Four:  Believe It to See It
This week we will discuss what it looks like for you to show up as your best, most powerful self and then put it into action.  Plan like a boss!

Week Five:  Massive Action
Our best friend AKA Growth Mindset will be the star of the show again this week! We will be learning all about staying focused on the big picture, becoming more confident through consistency (which will allow you to take consistent action without overthinking it), and gaining the momentum you need to keep going. 

Week Six:  Fly Queen Fly
How will these goals impact the world on a micro and macro level?  Increase your networking and relationship building skills so that you can boldly share your story and impact the world in a way that is unique to you!
We've opened 8 spots and would love for one to be yours!

Take a look at what our participants have to say!

"I'm so incredibly grateful to Jessica and Nandi for their true demonstration of love, encouragement and support! Participating in their six week Mastermind was hands down one of the best decisions I could have made. I was craving a much needed restart both professionally and personally -- and this Mastermind was that! Jessica and Nandi's teaching and coaching gave me permission to put myself first without feeling selfish. And it allowed me to see how crucial it is to care for me and "show up for me", so that I can be my best self in caring for others as a wife, mother, professional and more. Also, I am so blessed to have met and interacted with such an amazing group of ladies who were in the Mastermind as well! I don't think a week went by where I wasn't impacted by something one of them shared with the group. Their vulnerability, honesty, and genuine kindness were SO refreshing. Not to mention we had some great laughs! At a time when utter chaos was swirling in the world around us, Jessica, Nandi and the Mastermind group were a source of inspiration!"

Virtual Mastermind Participant

"Each week there were golden nuggets all throughout and I loved seeing everyone grow. It really brought into perspective how truly different everyone’s paths are.  You both provided such a calm and loving atmosphere to each call. I was 100% comfortable to share my thoughts and feelings. This was my first MasterMind and I didn’t know anyone – so taking that leap of faith was definitely out of my comfort zone. I am SO happy I did it!"

Virtual Mastermind Participant

Meet your coaches!
Nandi is a Life Coach who specializes in helping creative women live their most authentic and abundant lives through mindset management, strengthening their intuitive skills, and accessing their emotional intelligence. 
Nandi Camille - Life Coach
Jessica has made it her life mission to help women heal in areas of physical, mental, and spiritual health so that they can thrive in life with power, passion, and purpose!
Jessica Jacobson - Health and Transformational Coach
Let’s break it all down.
Here's what you're really getting...
  •  A powerful six week transformational and results focused virtual mastermind 
  • ​One teaching call and One group coaching call EVERY WEEK
  •  One on one support from professional coaches to get you to your end goals
  •  Group feedback and accountability from like minded badass women
  • ​Simple yet powerful tools to help you trade in confusion and overwhelm for clarity and confidence
  • ​Tangible bonus tools to keep you on track, focused, and motivated 
  •  Proven coaching formulas that you can rinse and repeat again and again
  • ​Network of support during the mastermind and beyond
That's well over a $2000 Value
You'd actually be crazy not to ;)

"There are people less qualified than you, doing the things you want to do, simply because they decide to believe in themselves. Period."

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